We hope you are having a great month!
We’ve been working in full swing to bring some unique and helpful features and additions that will help take your operations to the next level.
1. Turn ON/OFF Selling Channel Auto-Refresh

Head over to any selling channels settings and you will find the configuration to Skip the midnight auto-refresh.
2. Update the Store URL of your Google Merchant listings via CSV file upload.

Do you intend to update your Google Merchant listings in bulk? This is for you; simply include the SKU and STORE URL columns in your CSV file and upload it to the Batch or Products page; our system will handle the rest.
3. Include the FNSKU while downloading the Product Report.

You can now specify whether or not the FNSKU should be included in your Product Report.
4. When Copying an item from One Marketplace to another, you can choose not to copy the Pending Quantity.

One of the most requested features is here! Now you can configure whether or not to include the Pending qty while copying an item from one selling channel to another.
5. Auditory alerts when adding new items to a Batch

When you scan a new product or add one to a batch, you will hear a beep sound if the aforementioned configuration is turned ON.
Helpful Hint: Turn on this setting if you are using a barcode scanner to add items to a batch. This will allow you to quickly assess if the item has been added to the batch successfully or not by listening to the beep sound, eliminating the need for you to look at the screen.
6. Auditory alerts when Assigning Item Locations on the Products Page.

A beep sound will play when you scan a UPC, ASIN, or SKU on the Assign Item Locations modal, letting you know whether the location assignment was successful or not.
7. Verify the Awaiting Pick and Awaiting Payment at each Product Level.

The Edit Product modal now allows you to view a product’s total Awaiting Payment and Awaiting Pick. These fields are sent via the API as well.
This helps in figuring out how many more units to order, examining quantity in the warehouse, etc…
With this, it’s not the end of our product updates – we’re constantly evolving and working on new features to help you improve, enhance and optimize your eCommerce operations.